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The phrase “it takes a village” often refers to the raising of children. As we look at the needs of our community, we humbly recognize there’s not one entity that can do it all. These partnerships, the linking arms to support together are how we help each other and make this community a better place. 

Lubbock Impact serves in four areas: food, clothing, healthcare and spiritual care. Our goal is to strive to provide the best care in these areas and instead of working to do more in quantity, we want to steward these four areas to the best of our abilities. As we see the needs of those in our community that are outside what we have the capacity to directly assist with, we are overjoyed to have partnerships with other agencies in our community who can fill in the gaps.  

Lubbock Impact was honored a couple of years ago when Saint Francis Ministries asked if we would serve as a community partner alongside parents seeking reunification with their children. As they serve children and families through foster care and many other services, Lubbock Impact is able to come alongside them to support and connect those in need with resources that can help. On a weekly basis, this partnership benefits many in our community from hosting visiting hours for families to providing opportunities for parenting support classes. 

Each week Lubbock Impact offers agencies the opportunity to share about their no cost programs and resources that empower participants to learn and advocate for themselves and families.  Here are some that come weekly/bimonthly and there are agencies that come as they have opportunities to share: 

  • Health for Friends offers free blood pressure and sugar checks 
  • MCH discusses kinship care and other parenting services 
  • Silver Star provides information about senior adult healthcare services and resources 
  • Catholic Charities gives resources for families with children being raised by relatives   
  • Buckner shares about parenting programs and child development programs 
  • Workforce Solutions shares about job opportunities and training 

We’re so proud to be a part of this wonderfully supportive community and we value the partnerships that we have with others that strengthens participants’ lives. 


Optometry, medical, and counseling assistance, provided by caring volunteers and counselors.


Explore our clothing closets, food & gathering opportunities, and ways you can get involved!


Worship services & small groups.
