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Notes from the Executive Director

“No Shoes, No Shirt”: Not Our Motto

By December 2, 2024No Comments

Visions of a man with no shirt or shoes standing outside at the glass doors flashbacked to nearly four years ago in my mind last week. On that day the phrase of “no shirt, no shoes, no service” came to mind as a skinny, tired, dirty bald shaven man stood needing help. Yes, he needed clothes and food but there was more than just what meets the eye. Over the next year, we would have conversations about God, his need to find stable housing, financial concerns, struggles with his mental health and how to reconnect with his family. He was just struggling in all these areas, but addiction is what had the real grip on him. Drugs were his escape from reality and all the hurt he had experienced. I remember praying with him and for him whenever the Lord brought him to mind. His suffering was so significant. So much time was spent in conversation with this friend and then one day he was just gone!  

Those visions all came within a split second, when I answered the clinic door on Tuesday. Here he was standing in front of me with clear blue eyes and was clear-minded. Of course, my immediate question was “where have you been (insert his name)” The biggest smile spread across his face, and he responded, “you remember me!” This was followed by him sharing that he had been in prison but is now clean and sober. He needed to see a doctor and came to find out about the clinic times.  

The Lord has a way of restoring us in ways that aren’t always conventional but are healing all the same. Prayers were answered for a man who was broken and easily could be told “no shoes, no shirt, no service”, but that is not what Lubbock Impact is about. We are here in the moments that matter. It may start with filling a basic need for shoes and a shirt, but it opens the heart to much deeper connections of change. Change that allows a person to have the dignity and empowerment to believe that they can be restored, or their dreams can become a reality.  

God has shown me time and time again that He not only can, but He will meet the needs of those who cry out to Him. The year 2024 was challenging for many as they saw food costs soar, and businesses close, which left people unemployed, and unable to meet their basic needs. At Lubbock Impact we received more people than ever to help yet God made provision through so many ways that I can’t express all in this note. God obviously sees and cares about each of us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to be born into this world. May the indescribable gift of hope and light through Jesus bring immeasurable joy to you and each of the Lubbock Impact participants this Christmas season. 


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