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Much like you, I’m sure, as the temperatures in August climbed to the 100s, we found ourselves dreaming of fall days ahead. At Lubbock Impact, we have spent many weeks eagerly looking forward to the new season just around the corner. We have been getting excited about the upcoming opportunities to fulfill our purpose to bring hope, empowerment, and healing to the working poor of Lubbock.

With this excitement, comes preparation. We recently held a meeting for all of our volunteers who serve weekly to catch up on current Lubbock Impact policies and safety procedures. Volunteers have been studying and prepping to teach the Faith and Finance and Work-Life classes which kick off on September 12th. Those who volunteer in the children’s ministry have begun planning out Wednesday night activities and took a recent Saturday morning to go over procedures.

All of this anticipation and groundwork is driven by our commitment to bring hope into someone’s life. Many individuals and families come into our doors looking for hope. They are looking for hope that their finances will change or that their life situation will change. We seek to meet their hope with empowerment. Lubbock Impact staff and volunteers empower participants with the opportunities or tools they need to better their circumstances.

Just like Nehemiah in scripture, who spent four months in prayer before approaching the king, we have been praying for this upcoming season. We have been waiting, making necessary preparations, and fervently praying for God’s guidance. We look forward to watching God use Lubbock Impact to empower hopeful participants with the tools and resources they need to see real-life change.

Please be in prayer with us as we take on this next season. Pray for the things that God is calling Lubbock Impact to, and that because of God’s goodness, people would find ultimate healing.

Becky Robertson
Executive Director


Optometry, medical, and counseling assistance, provided by caring volunteers and counselors.


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